Yesterday i had a little trip to Riga:) as i have always said, it's the city i'd really like to live in:). Riga has some magic, that attracts me to return there again and again

It was kind of partying trip, so many pubs, clubs and bars we've discovered :) Restaurant "Rozengrals" made a huge impression on everyone of us. It is medieval restaurant where everything, starting with interior and ending with music and waitresses, was so medieval. Of course, the food was awesome too :)

As you can see even bread was brought in these cloth pieces

This is Rock'n'Riga bar :) a place for rockers :)

Here are a little more views of Riga. This is ceiling of some church, unfortunatelly i can't tell name of it

Riga is waiting for the christmas tree to be lighten

Sadly, we couldn't try what this restaurant offers because of lack of time, but, agree, from outside it looks like from the tale :)

One more sweet view of Riga - wolf defending a house.
Maybe in such a small things magic and charm of the cities are living...